Highlighting Current Time using a Dynamic Indicator in JavaScript Calendar

You can use the showCurrentTime property to display a line indicating the current time position. 

  • The position is updated dynamically as the time changes.

  • The current time indicator is marked with *_now CSS class.

  • The indicator is turned off by default.

Another option to show the current time is to highlight the current calendar cell using the onBeforeCellRender event handler.


Show current time indicator:

  showCurrentTime: true,
  // ...

Highlight a cell using onBeforeCellRender:

  onBeforeCellRender: (args) => {
    const now = DayPilot.Date.now();
    if (args.cell.start <= now && now < args.cell.end) {
        args.cell.backColor = "red";
  // ....