- HTML5 Event Calendar for Touch Devices - iPad, iPhone, Android (PHP, JavaScript)
Tutorial on customizing the behavior and UI actions on touch devices (DayPilot Pro for JavaScript) - Angular Calendar: Detect Orientation Change (Landscape/Portrait)
How to switch the Calendar views on device rotation.
The event calendar supports the following touch gestures.
Tapping an events is mapped to EventClick event.
Tap and Hold (Events)
Event tap and hold touch gesture can be mapped using EventTapAndHoldHandling property to the following actions:
- Activates drag and drop event moving (default)
- Opens the event context menu
Tap and Hold (Grid Cells)
Cell tap and hold touch gesture can be mapped using TimeRangeTapAndHoldHandling property to the following actions:
- Activates drag and drop time range selecting (default)
- Opens the time range context menu
Event Active Areas
A permanently visible event active area can be used to activate an event context menu or to serve as a drag handle for event moving.
Platforms and Devices
Supported platforms (tablets, smartphones):
- iOS/iPadOS 12+ (iPhone, iPad)
- Android 10+