
  • In the CssOnly mode it is possible to style all calendar elements. The legacy mode (CssOnly=false) only supports styling of selected elements. The internal DOM structure is different (especially the event box).
  • You can activate the CssOnly mode using CssOnly=true.
  • It's available in DayPilot 7.0 and later.
  • In DayPilot 7.7 and later it is enabled by default.
  • In the CssOnly mode, all the class names include a leading underscore (unlike the old mode when CssOnly="false"). Using CssClassPrefix="calendar_white" will produce classes like "calendar_white_message". In the CssOnly="false" mode the underscore was part of the custom prefix (CssClassPrefix="calendar_silver_"). This means the old themes are not compatible with CssOnly mode.
  • DayPilot Pro 8.0 and later versions only support CssOnly=true mode.

Theme Designer

See Also


CssOnly is enabled by default.

ASP.NET WebForms

CssOnly is enabled by default.


CssOnly is enabled by default.