The locale property determines first day of week, month names, day of week names, time and date format and other culture-specific settings of the JavaScript Calendar component.
Adjusting individual properties
Individual aspects of the locale can be adjusted separately using the following properties:
Time format (12/24 clock for time headers)
First day of week (for week view)
Loading label text/HTML
Time header customization (Y axis - custom time header HTML)
Header date format (X axis - custom date format pattern)
Column header customization (X axis - day header HTML)
RTL direction
JavaScript Calendar
In the JavaScript Calendar, you can set the locale using the locale property. The locale defines the default date/time format patterns, as well as day and week names and the first day of week.
The calendar includes many built-in locales. You can also add your own locale or customize an existing one.
locale: "de-de"
See also
ASP.NET WebForms Calendar
DayPilot will adjust its appearance automatically depending on the Culture set for the current thread.
The Culture can be set at one of the following places:
1. In web.config, configuration/system.web/globalization element, culture attribute.
<globalization culture="en-US"/>
2. In aspx page header:
<%@ Page Culture="en-US" %>
3. In the code behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Culture = new CultureInfo("da-DK");
ASP.NET MVC Calendar
DayPilot will adjust its appearance automatically depending on the Culture set for the current thread.
The Culture can be set at one of the following places:
1. In web.config, configuration/system.web/globalization element, culture attribute.
<globalization culture="en-US"/>
2. Use Application_BeginRequest in Global.asax.cs
protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-us");