Turning off snap-to-grid behavior for moving/resizing
By default, events are snapped to the time grid cells during drag and drop in the JavaScript Scheduler component. By turning off the snap-to-grid feature, it is possible to move and resize events by free hand.
You can disable snap to grid using the snapToGrid property (boolean).
When snap-to-grid is disabled, the actual position is calculated on a pixel level (the number of pixels per cell can be set using cell width).
It's recommended to set
to prevent confusion (the moving/resizing shadow width always corresponds to the event box width). See also exact event duration.
Snap-to-grid is applied to the following drag-and-drop operations:
event moving (disable snap-to-grid for moving only using snapToGridEventMoving)
event resizing (disable snap-to-grid for resizing only using snapToGridEventResizing)
time range selection (disable snap-to-grid for resizing only using snapToGridTimeRangeSelecting)
rectangle selection (disable snap-to-grid for resizing only using snapToGridRectangleSelecting)
<div id="dp"></div>
const dp = new DayPilot.Scheduler("dp", {
snapToGrid: false,
// ...
Tutorial: Custom Snap-To-Grid Rules
ASP.NET WebForms
<DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler runat="server" id="DayPilotScheduler1"
SnapToGrid = "false"
@Html.DayPilotScheduler("dps", new DayPilotSchedulerConfig {
BackendUrl = ResolveUrl("~/Scheduler/Backend"),
SnapToGrid = false