Drag and Drop Row Moving between Two Schedulers

It is possible to use drag and drop to move rows (representing resources) between two JavaScript Scheduler instances.

This feature is always active. To prevent dropping a row to another Scheduler instance, you can use the onRowMoving event handler.

By default, the dragged row is removed from the source Scheduler. To keep it, call args.keeepSource() in the target Scheduler onRowMove event handler.

Available since version 2024.4.6270.


Detecting a row from another Scheduler

You can detect the source Scheduler by checking the args.source.calendar property in onRowMoving, onRowMove, and onRowMoved event handlers. This property stores a DayPilot.Scheduler object representing the source Scheduler.

Scheduler config:

  onRowMove: args => {
    if (args.external) {
      console.log("External row drag and drop detected. Source Scheduler: " + args.source.calendar.id);

