DayPilot Scheduler can display a Gantt Chart by simply switching the ViewType property to "Gantt".
Note: Since DayPilot Pro 7.9 this ViewType is superseded by a special Gantt Chart component.
How It Works
In the Gantt mode, the Scheduler will generate the rows automatically from the event set:
Each event/task will be displayed on a separate row.
You can customize the task box using BeforeEventRender event (HTML, CSS class, context menu, action restrictions, active hover areas, etc.)
You can customize the row header using BeforeResHeaderRender event (HTML, CSS class, active hover areas)
Drag and Drop
The tasks can be moved and resized right in place using drag and drop.
Percent Complete
In order to use the duration bar to display task progress (as percentage), use DurationBarMode="PercentComplete" and set the value in BeforeEventRender event.
Full CSS Styling
All elements can be styled using pure CSS.
CSS Themes
Examples of available themes:
Green Theme
White Theme
Transparent Theme
CSS Theme Designer
Create your own CSS theme in the online theme designer application.
Task Details
One of the ways to display the event details is task bubble - an extended HTML tooltip that is displayed on hover.
Active Areas
You can define custom active areas inside the task box that will be permanently visible or that will be displayed on hover.
An active area can have an action associated to it:
context menu
drag handler for moving
drag handler for resizing
custom JavaScript action
Event delete icon example
Event context menu example
<div id="dp"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var dp = new DayPilot.Scheduler("dp");
dp.viewType = "Gantt";
// ...
ASP.NET WebForms
For a sample ASP.NET web project that demonstrates how to display a Gantt chart using an SQL database, see the Gantt Chart Tutorial []. The download includes both C# and VB.NET versions.
Gantt Chart Tutorial []
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
int complete = (int) e.DataItem["complete"]; // use "complete" field of your DataSource items
e.PercentComplete = complete;
string cs = String.Format("{0}%", complete); // override the task text
e.InnerHTML = cs;
Export as Image (PNG, GIF, JPG)
The Gantt chart can be exported as image.
Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF (MemoryStream class)
Raw Bitmap class (you can further modify the image or merge it with other images)
Add images to PDF files, e-mails, or display static snapshots of the gantt chart
Active Areas
protected void DayPilotScheduler1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
e.Areas.Add(new Area().Width(17).Bottom(9).Right(19).Top(3).CssClass("event_action_delete").JavaScript("dps1.commandCallBack('delete', {id:e.value() });"));
e.Areas.Add(new Area().Width(17).Bottom(9).Right(2).Top(3).CssClass("event_action_menu").ContextMenu("cmSpecial"));
@Html.DayPilotScheduler("dps", new DayPilotSchedulerConfig {
BackendUrl = ResolveUrl("~/Scheduler/Backend"),
ViewType = DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Enums.Scheduler.ViewType.Gantt
Gantt Chart for ASP.NET MVC Tutorial (C#, VB.NET, SQL Server)