javascript mothly calendar event moving drag drop

The monthly calendar supports moving events to a different date using drag and drop.

  • It highlights the target location using a “shadow” placeholder.

  • It supports moving long event that span multiple days.

  • You can add an event handler that will store the new position using an HTTP call to a backend API.

The onEventMove event stores the Ctrl/Meta and Shift key status. This allows implementation of drag and drop event copying.


Drag and drop event moving is enabled by default (eventMoveHandling = "Update").

See also


<div id="dp"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  const dp = new DayPilot.Month("dp", {
    onEventMoved = function (args) {
      dp.message("Moved: " + args.e.text());
    // ...

ASP.NET WebForms

Drag and drop event moving is disabled by default.

It can be enabled using EventMoveHandling property. It has to be set to one of the following values:

  • CallBack

  • PostBack

  • Notify

  • JavaScript

PostBack event handling type will fire a server-side event handler (EventMove) using a PostBack (or partial AJAX PostBack if the Calendar is inside an UpdatePanel).

CallBack event handling type will fire a server-side event handler (EventMove) using an AJAX callback. CallBack is much faster than PostBack (and partial PostBack).

Notify event handling type will update the Calendar on the client immediately and then notifies the server (EventMove) using an AJAX callback. Notify is much faster than CallBack.

JavaScript event handling will fire the JavaScript code specified in EventMoveJavaScript.

Server-Side Handler

<DayPilot:DayPilotMonth runat="server" id="DayPilotMonth1"
  EventMoveHandling = "CallBack"

Example EventMove handler:

protected void DayPilotMonth1_EventMove(object sender, EventMoveEventArgs e)
  // update the database
  // ...

  // reload events and refresh the calendar on the client side
  DayPilotMonth1.DataSource = LoadData();  // your method
  DayPilotMonth1.UpdateWithMessage("Event moved.");

If any changes are made to the event data set (which is the typical case), it is necessary to redraw the event set on the client side using an Update() call.

See Also


Drag & drop event moving is disabled by default.

It can be enabled using EventMoveHandling property. It has to be set to one of the following values:

  • CallBack

  • Notify

  • JavaScript

CallBack event handling will fire a server-side event handler (OnEventMove) using an AJAX callback.

Notify event handling type will update the Calendar on the client immediately and then notifies the server using an AJAX call. Notify is much faster than CallBack.

JavaScript event handling will fire the JavaScript code specified in EventMoveJavaScript.

  • The following variables are available to the client-side handler: e, newStart, newEnd, ctrl, shift (see DayPilot.Month.onEventMove)

  • The client side handler can call the server-side handler using eventMoveCallBack() method

Server-Side Handler

@Html.DayPilotMonth("dpm", new DayPilotMonthConfig {
  BackendUrl = ResolveUrl("~/Month/Backend"),
  EventMoveHandling = EventMoveHandlingType.CallBack

The EventMove event can be handled by overriding the OnEventMove method in the DayPilotCalendar implementing class:

protected override void OnEventMove(EventMoveArgs e)
  new EventManager(Controller).EventMove(e.Id, e.NewStart, e.NewEnd);

protected override void OnFinish()
  // only load the data if an update was requested by an Update() call
  if (UpdateType == CallBackUpdateType.None)

  Events = new EventManager(Controller).FilteredData(VisibleStart, VisibleEnd).AsEnumerable();  // custom method for loading data

  DataStartField = "start";
  DataEndField = "end";
  DataTextField = "text";
  DataIdField = "id";


If any changes are made to the event data set (which is the typical case), it is necessary to redraw the event set on the client side using an Update() call.