Be default, the card height is adjusted to fit the card content.
Auto card height enabled
Auto card height disabled
You can disable this behavior using CardAutoHeight property.
<div><label for="autoheight"><input type="checkbox" id="autoheight" checked="checked" /> Enable card auto height</label></div> <div id="dp"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var dp = new DayPilot.Kanban("dp"); dp.columns.list = [ {name: "Analysis", id: "1", barColor: "#f9ba25"}, {name: "Draft", id: "2"}, {name: "Testing", id: "3"} ]; = [ {id: 1, "name": "Task 1", column: "1", text: "This is a description of task #1."}, {id: 2, "name": "Task 2", column: "1", text: "This is a description of task #2. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text. Testing a task with very long text."}, ]; dp.init(); $(document).ready(function() { $("#autoheight").change(function() { dp.cardAutoHeight = $(this).is(":checked"); dp.update(); }) }); </script>