The Gantt chart can display multiple versions of a task bar in each row.
- Task versions need to be enabled using TaskVersionsEnabled property.
- The task versions will be displayed above the main bar.
- A special CSS class will be applied to task versions (*_event_version, e.g. gantt_default_event_version for the default CSS theme).
- Drag and drop operations (moving, resizing) are not allowed for task versions.
<div id="dp"></div>
var dp = new DayPilot.Gantt("dp"); // ...
dp.taskVersionsEnabled = true; dp.tasks = [ { start: "2016-12-01T00:00:00", end: "2016-12-03T00:00:00", id: 1, text: "Task 1", versions: [ { start: "2016-12-02T00:00:00",
end: "2016-12-04T00:00:00",
text: "Version 1", complete: 40 }, { start: "2016-12-02T00:00:00",
end: "2016-12-04T00:00:00",
text: "Version 2", complete: 50 } ], complete: 50 }
ASP.NET WebForms
<DayPilot:DayPilotGantt ID="DayPilotGantt1" runat="server" // ... TaskVersionsEnabled="true" > </DayPilot:DayPilotGantt>
TaskVersions.aspx.cs (code behind)
using System; using System.Collections; using DayPilot.Web.Ui; using DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums.Gantt; using DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Gantt; public partial class Gantt_TaskVersions : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ... if (!IsPostBack) { DayPilotGantt1.StartDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1); DayPilotGantt1.Days = 30; LoadTasksAndLinks(); } } private void LoadTasksAndLinks() { DayPilotGantt1.Tasks.Clear(); DayPilotGantt1.Links.Clear(); DateTime start = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); Task group1 = new Task("Group 1", "G1", start, start.AddDays(1)); group1.Tags["info"] = "info"; group1.Complete = 30; group1.Children.Add(CreateTaskWithVersion("Task 1", "1", start.AddDays(1), start.AddDays(3), 50)); group1.Children.Add("Task 2", "2", start.AddDays(-5), start.AddDays(1)); group1.Children.Add(new Milestone("Milestone 1", "M1", start.AddDays(2))); DayPilotGantt1.Tasks.Add(group1); DayPilotGantt1.Links.Add("2", "1"); start = start.AddDays(2); Task group2 = new Task("Group 2", "G2", start, start.AddDays(1)); group2.Tags["info"] = "info"; group2.Complete = 30; group2.Children.Add(CreateTaskWithVersion("Task 1", "3", start, start.AddDays(4), 50)); group2.Children.Add("Task 2", "4", start.AddDays(1), start.AddDays(3)); group2.Children.Add(new Milestone("Milestone 2", "M2", start.AddDays(2))); DayPilotGantt1.Tasks.Add(group2); DayPilotGantt1.Links.Add("3", "4"); DayPilotGantt1.Links.Add("G1", "G2"); } private Task CreateTaskWithVersion(string text, string id, DateTime start, DateTime end, int complete) { Task task = new Task(text, id, start, end); task.Complete = complete; TaskVersion version1 = new TaskVersion(); version1.Start = start.AddDays(30); version1.End = end.AddDays(31); version1.Complete = complete - 20; task.Versions.Add(version1); TaskVersion version2 = new TaskVersion(); version2.Start = start.AddDays(-1); version2.End = end.AddDays(-1); version2.Complete = complete - 10; task.Versions.Add(version2); return task; } }