html5 gantt chart link customization

You can customize the following link properties;

  • type ("FinishToStart" | "FinishToFinish", "StartToStart", "StartToFinish")
  • line width
  • color
  • line style ("dotted", "solid", etc.)
  • CSS class

If you want to define the link appearance using a custom CSS class you can use the following template (styles from the default CSS theme):

.gantt_default_link_horizontal { border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: red; }

.gantt_default_link_vertical { border-right-style: solid; border-right-color: red; }

.gantt_default_link_arrow_right:before { content: ''; border-width: 6px; border-color: transparent transparent transparent red; border-style: solid; width: 0px; height:0px; position: absolute; }

.gantt_default_link_arrow_left:before { content: ''; border-width: 6px; border-color: transparent red transparent transparent; border-style: solid; width: 0px; height:0px; position: absolute; }

.gantt_default_link_arrow_down:before { content: ''; border-width: 6px; border-color: red transparent transparent transparent; border-style: solid; width: 0px; height:0px; position: absolute; 

Note: If you specify custom link color the link will be rendered using inline styles (the link CSS classes will not be applied).


Use the link properties to set the custom properties.

<div id="gantt"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
var dp = new DayPilot.Gantt("gantt");
// ...
dp.links.list = [
    id: "link1",
    from: "task1",
    to: "task2,
    width: 2,
    color: "blue",
    style: "solid",
    type: "FinishToStart"
    id: "link2",
    from: "task2",
    to: "task3,
    width: 2,
    color: "red",
    style: "dotted",
    type: "FinishToStart"

ASP.NET WebForms

In DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms you can set the link properties using BeforeLinkRender event handler.


void DayPilotGantt1_BeforeLinkRender(object sender, BeforeLinkRenderEventArgs e)
  e.Color = "blue";
  e.Style = LinkStyle.Dotted;
  e.CssClass = "mylink";