Possible actions

  • PostBack
  • CallBack
  • JavaScript
  • NavigateUrl

ASP.NET WebForms

You can choose a custom action for each menu item separately. It is possible that some menu item will execute JavaScript code and another one will execute PostBack or AJAX callback event.

Define the action by setting MenuItem.Action property:

  • NavigateUrl
  • JavaScript
  • PostBack
  • CallBack

Applicable MenuItem Properties

This is an overview of MenuItem properties that are applicable for a given Action value.

MenuItem.Action value Command JavaScript NavigateUrl NavigateUrlTarget Text ToolTip
MenuItemAction.NavigateUrl - - yes yes yes yes
MenuItemAction.JavaScript - yes - - yes yes
MenuItemAction.PostBack yes - - - yes yes
MenuItemAction.CallBack yes - - - yes yes

NavigateUrl Action

The menu item will be a standard hyperlink pointing to an URL defined by NavigateUrl property. The hyperlink will use target defined by NavigateUrlTarget property (you can use it to open the link in a frame or in a new window).

The parameters are passed using {X} replacements:

String Will be replaced by
{0} Calendar event value (DataValueField)
{1} Calendar event custom data (DataTagField)

JavaScript Action

The menu item will fire a custom JavaScript code defined in MenuItem.JavaScript.


<daypilot:daypilotmenu id="DayPilotMenu1" runat="server">
    <DayPilot:MenuItem Text="Testing" Action="JavaScript" 
        JavaScript="alert('Menu command ' + command + ' was executed on event ' + e.text());">

You can execute the AJAX callback action from you JavaScript. This example will show a confirmation dialog box before deleting an event:

    <daypilot:daypilotmenu id="DayPilotMenu1" runat="server">
        <DayPilot:MenuItem Text="Delete (JavaScript using callback)" Action="JavaScript" 
	JavaScript="if (confirm('Do you really want to delete this event?')) 
		dpc1.eventMenuClickCallBack(e, command);">

Note: dpc1 is the value of DayPilotCalendar.ClientObjectName. If you don't specify ClientObjectName the object name will be the value of DayPilotCalendar.ClientID (usually something like DayPilotCalendar1 but it can bectl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$DayPilotCalendar1 if you use master pages).

PostBack Action

The menu item will fire a server-side event using PostBack.

You should handle EventMenuClick event on the server (you can do it by double-clicking EventMenuClick event in the Properties window in Visual Studio) and apply the changes to your data source (usually a database).

A typical EventMenuClick handler for PostBack will look like this:

protected void DayPilotCalendar1_EventMenuClick(object sender, 
	DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventMenuClickEventArgs e)
        if (e.Command == "Delete") {
             // Update your database
            // ...


AJAX Callback Action

The menu item will fire a server-side event using AJAX callback.

In the handler, you should update your data source and call DataBind(). If you call Update() method the changes will be sent back to the client and the events will be redrawn according to the new state.

A typical EventMenuClick handler for AJAX callback will look like this:

protected void DayPilotCalendar1_EventMenuClick(object sender, 
	DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.EventMenuClickEventArgs e)
        if (e.Command == "Delete") {
             // Update your database
            // ...


Note that the same event handler is used for PostBack and CallBack events. You can detect the event source (PostBack or CallBack) by checking e.Source property.

Note: When the MenuItemClick handler is invoked by AJAX callback, the state of page controls is not available (in contrast to PostBack).

Note: If you do not use PostBack handling on your page (either for DayPilot or for any other control) you should turn off ViewState to improve the page performance.