

Main div.


Message bar


The upper-left corner.


Line between the swim lane headers and the kanban cells.


Splitter that allows changing the swim lane header width. Not supported yet.


A line separating the column headers from the kanban cell.


The control-blocking div. Not supported yet.



Column header cell. (_timeheadercol)


Column header cell inner div. (_timeheadercol_inner)


Column moving handle.


Target position indicator displayed during column moving.



Card div. (_event)


Inner card div. (_event_inner)


Card delete icon.


Added to the card div when the card is selected (not supported yet).


Added to the card div when the card is being moved.


Card header div.


Card bar.


Card moving shadow.


Card moving shadow inner div.

Swim Lanes


Swim lane header cell.


Swim lane header cell inner div.


Added to the swim lane header cell when the swimlane is selected. Not supported yet.


A horizontal line separating swim lane headers. (_resourcedivider).


Added to the swim lane header div when it is being moved.


"before" swim lane moving position indicator.


"after" swim lane position indicator.


"forbidden" swim lane moving position indicator.


Swim lane moving handle.


New swim lane header. Not supported yet.


Swim lane header scrollable div. Not supported yet.


Show/hide swim lane header icon. Not supported yet.


Added to the header icon when the swim lane header is in "visible" state.


Added to the header icon when the swim lane header is in "hidden" state.


Swim lane "collapse" icon.


Swim lane "expand" icon.



Grid cell div.


A vertical line separating cells.


A horizontal line separating cells.


Added to cell div when the swim lane is collapsed.